Friday, January 30, 2009

So my morning began reading in my morning and evening devotionsby Mrs. Charles Cowman about a woman that was very anxious and troubled even though she was a Christian. No one could convince her otherwise till one night she had a dream about a great crowd of people walking along a highway all tired and burdened. They were nearly all carrying little black bundles on their back that were weighing them all down. Looking up from her heavy bundle she saw a Man with a bright loving face passing hither and thither through the crowd comforting the people. At last He came near and she saw it was her Savior. She told Him how tired she was and He smiled sadly and said: " My dear child, I did not give you these loads, you have no need of them. They are the Devil's burdens and they are wearing out your life. Just drop them, refuse to touch them with one of your fingers and you will find the path easy and you will be as if borne on eagle's wings." From that day forward she was the most cheerful and happy member of the household. 

What a comfort this story is to me in these troubled times. Heb. 4:9 is one of my favorites: "There remains a rest to the people of God." 

Speaking opposite of rest, I just got a Polar heart rate monitor. It's been fun to figure out my exercise zone and try to keep it for 60 min. a day. Quite a challenge during the winter. Today instead of going to the gym, I exercised at home with the treadmill, stepper (I picked up at Goodwill) and a pilates dvd. Quite grueling but good for this nearly 55 year old body. 

One goose flew the coop. All of Jesse and my hard work to get them out of the farm pond has resulted in division for the two geese on our farm. I opened the fence and hopefully they won't fly off to the neighbors and get eaten by their dog. 

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