It will be three years before we'll be picking it full pick. It will add on to my older patch. In fact yesterday Mark and I picked asparagus for the first time this year. If you want a little bending over exercise, come by. We love the help. There's nothing like fresh, cooked asparagus. Yummy!

Rhubarb and asparagus are our earliest garden offerings. The rhubarb loved that good rain we had. Now just add some sunshine and warmth and I'll have me a rhubarb pie.

Whenever I go out to the garden the animals always make themselves known. Just how many creatures are in this picture?

And "No" you can't go to market with me Saturday, the market master would be sure to notice!

So, I'm sure your garden vegetables are bigger then mine. I am glad they are coming up and growing. Here's a couple pics of them.

Can't wait for the market to start! It will warm up and seem like summer soon.