We just never know what's around the turn of the road. After coming home from spending a few days with Mark's Dad in Arizona, we found Mark's job had ended. Now that's a big turn in the road considering Mark's worked there for the last 23 years. When I did the subtraction in my head, he was 33 when he started. EEEKKK Time sure does fly, doesn't it? Our oldest son is 32, so that seems really young to me now. I am so thankful to be serving a God who is never changing and all powerful. He reaches into each of our lives and ministers as He knows best. So the very first day as Mark was wondering around in shock and looking lost the Lord did something really special to encourage my heart. You see about 24 years ago as the farm problems raged, the bank closed down on us, we had no money, and we were very discouraged I opened the hymnbook to "Count Your Blessings" and started reading those famous words "When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed, when you are discouraged thinking all is lost; Count your many blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done." That was a real turning point for us back then. Well Monday, Josie was struggling with a song her piano teacher had assigned her and because of a lack of flats I didn't recognize it, either. She asked me to play it for her and sure enough, that was the hymn. What a blessing to my heart! The Lord is so good!!! He has since showered us with wonderful verses of reassurances that thrill our hearts. Phil. 4:19 "The Lord will supply all your need according to His riches in Christ Jesus". Isn't the Lord just wonderful!!! We have been thanking the Lord for the freedom Mark now has to farm, help me with farmer's market and do some farm help for neighbors. How great to wake up to the smell of coffee every morning (made by someone other then me), bike riding with my husband and just being around that wonderful man I married 35 years ago. What a blessing. The Lord will surely provide for our needs and we'll have to tighten our belt of spending. Here's a few pictures of Sedona, AZ. A gorgeous spot if you ever get a chance to visit.