Friday, February 27, 2009

Best part seeing Jesse and Edna!

The best part of going to Puerto Rico was seeing Jesse and Edna. They ate out with us before the cruise, then spent a little time running us around after we returned. They both looked great and are going crazy studying in school. Wish I could spend a little more time in Puerto Rico and escape the dismal winter Iowa usually gives us, but after going there twice this winter ~ I'm not complaining. 

"Let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually..." Heb. 13:15

Cruise 2009

Our first cruise turned out to be memorable! I highly recommend cruising, especially if you enjoy great food, being dropped off each morning at a beautiful island, not handing out money every time you turn around, being waited on hand and foot, etc. I could just rave on and on. Sorry about that. I've vacationed a lot for poor little old me and always planned, scrimped and saved on my own. If you know me, you know what I'm saying. We loved Hawaii, but hated eating mainly granola bars and staying in cruddy motels. Hawaii is just gorgeous, so I sure wouldn't complain, but a cruise is so00000 easy and fun. I now would recommend it over anything I've ever done. You do have to do your planning when dropped off on an island to not foolishly spend too much. If anyone wants my 2 cent advice, just call. Here's some pics of our cruise.